
Livin’ rent free in the head of Don Alm

October 12, 2010

Your most recent post……
I’ve seen the Don Alm referrence to Chester Lawyers, but is anybody else successfully using directory sites?

Geoffrey…..One thing you will soon discover with posting info on this Internet Thingee….when you show something that the “General Public” (meaning; OPEN to EVERYONE with internet access)….can see…..you ALSO….show it to “Kooks and Kinks and Cyber-Psychos”…along with people who could GAIN by seeing the info!.

I know…I’ve got a “Kook-Psycho” on my back and he grabs most everything I put up and tries to use it to “attack” and/or belittle me.

I am sorry for mentioning the above referenced site. I introduced it here…without thinking….and I brought it up in an effort to provide HELP or GUIDANCE to someone here. The site was ONLY to be used as “Extra-Information” by someone in his “Course”. And….sure enough….I get comments like; “Hey Dude! Da guy’s had dis site up fer a year and nobody’s rented it! What gives?”

Or….”Hey! Dis site is ranking pretty high! Why doesn’t da dude Rent it out?” Because he does NOT NEED or WANT to! It is strictly an “Instructional Thingee” to BUYERS OF HIS COURSE!

Again…I am SORRY…I introduced it HERE! Without knowing the REASON WHY the site exists…you have no way of knowing it’s purpose.

And….Geoffrey….I do NOT think you will get many, if any, takers…on your request to “SEE” an actual “Directory”. Due to the “nature” of the “general public”.

What’s that? You ask me “What do I mean by the “General Public”?

Here’s an example:
This summer….I visited a “Public Park” in a small town (pop 7,700) in the middle of “nowhere”…50 miles from the nearest town of 25,000. We set up a table for a family picnic. After setting up…I visited the “Men’s Room” in the “Public Restroom Bldg” and….I saw the SAME thing I remember seeing in a park near my parents home in ChiCaaGo. Fixtures RIPPED from the walls. Spray painted foul words on the walls. Yuck! WHO created THESE people?

Well….the SAME types “hang around on this internet thingee”. This is used as a way for THEM to “UNleash” some of their frustrations…and “Get Back At Society”…for all the “Abuse” they had to take and endure.

I witnessed this everyday I went to my first (and only) “job” in Chgo. On the cummute, either to or from…on the 4 lane hiway…whenever I’d want to change lanes….I’d put on my Turn Signal…so the guy in the lane I wanted to move to, would know I wanted to go into HIS lane…as a “courteous-consideration”.

And…whenever my Turn Signal would go on….the guy in the lane I wanted to get into…would SPEED UP! And…when he was abreast of me…he’d “Flip Me Da Bird”!….as if to say; “Ha Ha! Take Dat Ya Dirty Rat! Ah is givin you my finger cause it’s a way fer me to get back at da people who boss me arun…an by doin’ dis…I can FEEL some “sense o-power”! So…Take Dat!”

SAME kind of mentality you have on this Internet Thingee.

So…you probably won’t see any actual examples of “Real” items…websites, directories or even Photos…cause we KNOW who…da “genral public” is!

Don Alm….

Is less than true.
Look, most of your materials are right clicked from someone elses work!
You are a thief, plain and simple!
I don’t like thieves, thus I will be on you (like a TOP in a steam bath)
until you stop the art of theft.
Would it really be that hard do to pay a graphics guy to make you real samples instead of stealing others real works?
All that it would take to get me off your back Don Alm, is to stop using other peoples works and create your own!

I like your comment on the entitlement mentality. You state that like its a negative yet you feel entitled to profit for stealing other peoples works. You sound like client #9 you sicko thief!

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