
I just busted your balls and you steal another?

October 14, 2010

Here is the update again!

He removed the on from adking and decided to take another!

Above is his www.midasreports.com site screenshot with the overlayed image being from adking at:

(halfway down the page!)

I love being a freak Alm!

Do you have anything onther than fake stories of succes and stolen images to sell it with?  If not, I suggest you keep voting for Obama as I think you would qualify for a Czar job with him!

Adios Seniorita! : )

One comment


    Where’s da NEW “Image Disclaimer”? I ben waitin’ fer ya…fer a whole day…to tell me from whom my NEWEST Image is “Stolen” from.

    Git to woik…ya Punk! Ah is waitin’ fer ya!

    Don Alm…calling out a TOTAL COWARD!
    P.S. Guess yer boss won’t let ya out from yer job as Motel 6 Front Desk Clerk. (Good to see ya got promoted from “Night Clerk”) Yup…yer knowhow of da internet kinda stuff is good fer ya to command da “High $8bux an Hour Salaries.

    Don Alm…wonderin’ why a “Eunuch-Faggot” is soooo interested in him!

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